Designing futures for, with and in nature


A design strategy studio catalysing change with care and collaboration


Feral workshops for visionary teams searching for ways to transform their work and themselves

WHY GET LOST?The map we have inherited leads to the continued destruction of our home planet.To find new paths forward together we must first Get Lost:→ rejecting the ideas that got us here→ showing humility in the face of multiple human made crises→ healing our connection with nature→ navigating uncertainty and finding hope within fear and mystery→ looking to the edges for new answersGet Lost exists to create spaces where we can come together to find our way forward: imagining and creating myriad new paths and possibilities.

Subscribe to THE RAMBLEA newsletter wandering through the entangled worlds of nature, design and technology.

Get Lost is founded and guided by Julian Ellerby, a design strategist, futurist and nature guide, with over a decade of experience leading multi- disciplinary teams for renowned studios Google Creative Lab, Anyways and &Us and sustainable design consultancies FranklinTill and Faber Futures.
His contribution to collective industry knowledge spans coaching, education, and public speaking on topics including regenerative and circular design, material innovation, future workplace design, and design's role in sustainable transformation and behaviour change.Through participation in symposiums at international design events such as Kloster Forum, Design Week Mexico, Dutch Design Week, Clerkenwell Design Week and London Design Festival he has influenced collective understanding and action in design industries.

GET LOST STUDIOA strategy studio inspired by and in service to nature. We catalyse change by centring nature, care and collaboration in design and innovation.Our work can take you different directions:

SENSINGDeepening knowledge and mapping the complex changing context of your company and its customers. We connect the dots between cultural trends, ethnographic deep dives, market analysis and expert perspectives to understand the landscapes and inform decision making.→ Foresight
→ Field Trips
→ Expert Dialogue and Interviews

IMAGININGGuiding teams to imagine and understand possible futures in purposeful and playful ways that build confidence to navigate
change and create preferable futures.
→ Futures Workshops
→ Collective Imagination
→ Creative Visioning

CREATINGTurning insight into action. Developing innovative brands, products and services through processes of empathy, experimentation and testing. Collaborating with multi-disciplinary teams to develop crafted creative outcomes that communicate visions and stories.→ Experience Design
→ Prototyping
→ Storytelling